Using mailto URIs with mutt postponed email

mailto:// URLs are sometimes convenient to use, but they don’t fit in too well with using a single mutt instance and having an aversion to windows popping up.

One way to use them with mutt is to take advantage of the postponed feature. If your postponed variable points to a directory you may have multiple postponed messages.

$ mkdir ~/.mail/postponed
$ echo 'set postponed = "~/.mail/postponed"' >> ~/.mutt/muttrc

We can therefore generate a postponed message every time a mailto URI is clicked. Create this script and have your applications call it for mailto://.


set -eu

uri_unescape() {
  perl -e 'use URI::Escape; print uri_unescape($ARGV[0])' "$1"

mutt_expand_path() {
    eval $(mutt -Q folder)
    echo "$val"

# Variables from mutt
for var in from realname postponed signature; do
    eval $(mutt -Q "$var")
postponed=$(mutt_expand_path $postponed)
signature=$(mutt_expand_path $signature)

# Arguments from URI
IFS="?" read to args <<<"$1"
to="$(uri_unescape "${to#mailto:}")"

for key in subject cc bcc body;
    do declare "$key"=;

for arg in ${args//&/ }; do
  key="${arg%%=*}"; key="${key,,}"
  value="$(uri_unescape "${arg#*=}")"
  [[ "$key" =~ subject|cc|bcc|body ]] && declare "$key"="$value"

# Create postponed email
mkdir -p "$postponed"/new
file="$postponed"/new/"$(date +%s).\
    R$(grep -ao '[0-9]' /dev/urandom | head -20 | tr -d '\n').$(hostname)"

cat <<EOF > "$file"
From: $realname <$from>
To: $to
Cc: $cc
Bcc: $bcc
Subject: $subject


$(cat $signature)

You’re going to have to make sure that folder, realname, postponed and sigature expand appropariately when called via mutt -Q.