Extracting all known addresses from notmuch for use with mutt

Edit: You should use notmuch-addrlookup-c instead as it has good support for mutt and executes much faster.

Retrieving all known addresses from notmuch’s index turned out to be more difficult than I had initially assumed. I needed to search not only recipients, but senders as well, due to mailing lists and such. Don’t forget that mutt skips the first line of the addresses.

(parallel notmuch address {} '\*' ::: \
    '--output=sender' '--output=recipients') | \
    grep -Pi "$1" | \
    awk '\
BEGIN {print}
/>$/ {
    sub(/^</, "", s);
    sub(/>$/, "", s);
    printf("%s\t", s);
    for (i = 1; i < NF; i++)
        printf("%s ", $i);
' | sort | uniq

This method is unfortunately quite slow, whether you use parallel or not. You are hitting the same database after all.