Videos (mainly from conferences)
- Adventures in laptop battery hacking (Video (43min))
- My personal fight against the modern laptop (Video (45min))
- Elevator Hacking: From the Pit to the Penthouse (Video (72min))
- Satellite Hacking For Fun And Profit (Video (71min))
- Hacking Airplanes - Brad Haines (Video (51min))
- Hack All The Things: 20 Devices in 45 Minutes (Video (49min))
- No-Tech Hacking - Hacking without a Computer - Johnny Long (Video (59min))
- Team Fail0verflow on PS4 (Video (48min))
- Sega Saturn CD - Cracked after 20 years (Video (27min))
- Cheating at poker James Bond Style (Video (28min))